We Have Lost Something
We - as a society - lost compassion and forgiveness when we rejected religion and replaced it with judgement and sentencing. I feel sorry for anyone who makes even a little mistake these days because the punishment is now merciless and ongoing. To quote a line from Monty Python, "Right, off with their head."
I am not saying that we should run back to the church, but I do remember how good the stories that we learned in Sunday school were; they were filled with peace and love and valuable life lessons. Sadly, these stories now have been rejected and ignored by online influencers who would rather have power and a piece of you rather than peace and love. Love thy neighbour has been replaced by blow your neighbour away if they dare to disrespect you. Remember when people used to agree to disagree?
However, I am a straight white male who was born in the 60s so I no longer have an opinion in this society. Apparently everything that I've done, and continue to do is completely wrong, including living by The Golden Rule. `Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' Maybe we can bring this one back? Please! I know that we would be a lot better off as a society if we did instead of the online anarchy that we have now.
John Sliz
October 2022
more to come...
We Have Lost Something
We - as a society - lost compassion and forgiveness when we rejected religion and replaced it with judgement and sentencing. I feel sorry for anyone who makes even a little mistake these days because the punishment is now merciless and ongoing. To quote a line from Monty Python, "Right, off with their head."
I am not saying that we should run back to the church, but I do remember how good the stories that we learned in Sunday school were; they were filled with peace and love and valuable life lessons. Sadly, these stories now have been rejected and ignored by online influencers who would rather have power and a piece of you rather than peace and love. Love thy neighbour has been replaced by blow your neighbour away if they dare to disrespect you. Remember when people used to agree to disagree?
However, I am a straight white male who was born in the 60s so I no longer have an opinion in this society. Apparently everything that I've done, and continue to do is completely wrong, including living by The Golden Rule. `Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' Maybe we can bring this one back? Please! I know that we would be a lot better off as a society if we did instead of the online anarchy that we have now.
John Sliz
October 2022
more to come...
A Selection of my books other than the Market Garden engineer series

Published by Vanwell Publishing in 2009, `The Storm Boat Kings' has almost sold out. I have most of the few remaining copies. Email me at: thesliz@hotmail.com to order. I am only asking $15 Cdn plus postage for a new copy. Unfortunately, Canada Post has raised their rates to Europe again. It now costs $20.60 Cdn. to ship.
I was in London, England when my publisher told me that copies of this book were going into every Chapters (now Indigo) in Canada. Needless to say I was relieved. It had taken Vanwell 5 years to publish this and I could write a book on all of the b.s. in the process. However, it has been out for 5 years now and I am still proud of it.
A sort-of follow up to this book is `Boats at Arnhem and Other Stories'. In it, I have a slight correction to the placement of Bob Tate's bridge into the Orchard and a number of follow up stories on the 23rd Field Company, R.C.E.
I was in London, England when my publisher told me that copies of this book were going into every Chapters (now Indigo) in Canada. Needless to say I was relieved. It had taken Vanwell 5 years to publish this and I could write a book on all of the b.s. in the process. However, it has been out for 5 years now and I am still proud of it.
A sort-of follow up to this book is `Boats at Arnhem and Other Stories'. In it, I have a slight correction to the placement of Bob Tate's bridge into the Orchard and a number of follow up stories on the 23rd Field Company, R.C.E.

This book was written to set the record straight about Allied infantry boats during WWII. I have read so many errors online and even in print from major publishing houses that I felt that I had to do this. One common mistake is mixing up American and British Storm Boats. These were two completely different boats. Anyhow, this book is the completion of years of studying original manuals and photographs.
Most Helpful Customer Reviews:
Five Stars By Richard B on 10 Oct. 2014
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
"A good well researched book, part of a series written by the author."
Most Helpful Customer Reviews:
Five Stars By Richard B on 10 Oct. 2014
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
"A good well researched book, part of a series written by the author."

Here are a number of stories on the engineers and signals in WWII. Included is even one story on the German engineers, or pioneers as they were called. The story titles are:
1) Boats at Arnhem
2) The Storm Boat Kings
3) Bob Tate's Bridge Into the Apple Orchard
4) The Night Waal Crossing
5) The 10th A.G.R.E. During Operation Market Garden
6) A Popular Guide to the German Army (Engineers)
7) Bridging the Gap: Olafson Infantry Footbridge
8) The Martin Bridge
9) Royal Canadian Engineers' Tests
10) 1st Canadian Corps Signals
Included are a number of original photographs, drawings and maps.
1) Boats at Arnhem
2) The Storm Boat Kings
3) Bob Tate's Bridge Into the Apple Orchard
4) The Night Waal Crossing
5) The 10th A.G.R.E. During Operation Market Garden
6) A Popular Guide to the German Army (Engineers)
7) Bridging the Gap: Olafson Infantry Footbridge
8) The Martin Bridge
9) Royal Canadian Engineers' Tests
10) 1st Canadian Corps Signals
Included are a number of original photographs, drawings and maps.

This is the first booklet that I did for Service Publications. It came out in 2006. Please visit: www.servicepub.com to order and to check out their wonderful `Weapons at War Series'. In it they cover just about every weapon that the Canadian Army used in WWII.
This book is a study of the boats used by the Canadian Army in WWII. Included are Storm Boats, Assault Boats, F.B.E. and Reconnaissance Boats.
This book is a study of the boats used by the Canadian Army in WWII. Included are Storm Boats, Assault Boats, F.B.E. and Reconnaissance Boats.

The second booklet for Service Publications. This book not only show the bridges that the Canadian Army used in WWII, but it also shows how they all led to the invention of the Bailey Bridge.

The third booklet that I did for Service Publications. This is the story of the Bailey Bridge and its uses in the Canadian Army in WWII.

Unfortunately, Clive Law passed away just before this book could be published by Service Publications. Him and I were doing the captions for the photos at the time of his untimely death.
Fortunately, Service Publications has been bought and will be publishing this book. When? No idea.
Fortunately, Service Publications has been bought and will be publishing this book. When? No idea.

This is the first full length history of Operation Duck in English. Veteran Donald Somerville said after reading, "I never knew that so much was going on. I only knew my part in it."

This book is filled with War Establishments of the R.C.E. field units, including the Survey units.
Here is a review that was posted on amazon.com:
"Long overdue, every bit as useful as an Osprey book April 30 2010 By Michael A Dorosh - Published on Amazon.com
To those whose interests include engineers in the Second World War, John Sliz is fast acquiring a reputation for solid research and useful books. Previous titles on the evacuation of Arnhem and assault boats in Canadian service in the Second World War are well known to buffs of those topics. This foray into a broader, albeit still niche, topic is equally well done.
Like Sliz, many have long been puzzled by the lack of decent, basic information on organization and employment of the basic combat engineer units of the Royal Canadian Engineers in the Second World War. Some books, such as Jean Bouchery's THE CANADIAN SOLDIER, touch briefly on the topic but don't speak with authority.
Sliz has provided a wealth of very useful information in an attractive presentation. He starts with a useful glossary of terms. Some will be familiar, others not - I had no idea a "derrick" was simply a truck with a winch, for example. A couple of American terms have unfortunately crept into the text, including the abbreviation "Pvt" rather than "Pte" which is the correct Canadian term. He also uses "TO&E" rather than the contemporary Canadian term "War Establishment", though that may simply be a matter of choice to appeal to the modern reader who will be more familiar with the current term.
These are minor points which don't detract from the book as a whole. The meat of the book is in the organizational charts for the various types of units, including Field Companies, Field Park Companies, Divisional Bridging Platoons, Electrical and Mechanical Sections, Headquarters Troops, Survey Units, or in other words, all the RCE units one finds on the divisional orders of battle in most histories, but whose functions are almost never explained. Sliz gives a man-for-man breakdown of how these units were organized, and what the units were expected to do in the field. He also gives an example of a road move, with illustrated example of a company formation of vehicles and detailed description of how the move was administered. Another diagram shows how a platoon moved tactically in the field while on foot in anti-aircraft formation.
The book is sensibly and cleanly laid out, and some period photos accompany the text. The photos are well chosen and nicely complement the subject matter.
All in all an incredibly useful reference to R.C.E. units in the Second World War that comes highly recommended."
Here is a review that was posted on amazon.com:
"Long overdue, every bit as useful as an Osprey book April 30 2010 By Michael A Dorosh - Published on Amazon.com
To those whose interests include engineers in the Second World War, John Sliz is fast acquiring a reputation for solid research and useful books. Previous titles on the evacuation of Arnhem and assault boats in Canadian service in the Second World War are well known to buffs of those topics. This foray into a broader, albeit still niche, topic is equally well done.
Like Sliz, many have long been puzzled by the lack of decent, basic information on organization and employment of the basic combat engineer units of the Royal Canadian Engineers in the Second World War. Some books, such as Jean Bouchery's THE CANADIAN SOLDIER, touch briefly on the topic but don't speak with authority.
Sliz has provided a wealth of very useful information in an attractive presentation. He starts with a useful glossary of terms. Some will be familiar, others not - I had no idea a "derrick" was simply a truck with a winch, for example. A couple of American terms have unfortunately crept into the text, including the abbreviation "Pvt" rather than "Pte" which is the correct Canadian term. He also uses "TO&E" rather than the contemporary Canadian term "War Establishment", though that may simply be a matter of choice to appeal to the modern reader who will be more familiar with the current term.
These are minor points which don't detract from the book as a whole. The meat of the book is in the organizational charts for the various types of units, including Field Companies, Field Park Companies, Divisional Bridging Platoons, Electrical and Mechanical Sections, Headquarters Troops, Survey Units, or in other words, all the RCE units one finds on the divisional orders of battle in most histories, but whose functions are almost never explained. Sliz gives a man-for-man breakdown of how these units were organized, and what the units were expected to do in the field. He also gives an example of a road move, with illustrated example of a company formation of vehicles and detailed description of how the move was administered. Another diagram shows how a platoon moved tactically in the field while on foot in anti-aircraft formation.
The book is sensibly and cleanly laid out, and some period photos accompany the text. The photos are well chosen and nicely complement the subject matter.
All in all an incredibly useful reference to R.C.E. units in the Second World War that comes highly recommended."

This book picks up where Part One leaves off so every R.C.E. in WWII has been covered.
A great place to start when looking for a realitive who served in the R.C.E. in WWII!
Included are: Artizan Company, Battalion R.C.E., Boring Section, Base Park Unit, Cemetery Construction Company, Chemical Warfare Mortar Company, Construction Company, Drilling Company, Engineer Reinforcement Unit, Engineer Services and Works Company, Engineer Stores Section, Engineer Technical Liaison Group, Landmark Unit, Machinery Spare Parts (Base) Section, Mechanical Equipment Company, Mechanical Equipment Workshop and Park Company, Mechanical Equipment Park Company, Mine Clearing Platoon, Petroleum Warfare Experimental Unit, Pile Driving Platoon, Pioneer Battalion R.C.E., Quarrying Company, Railway Companies, Road Construction Company, R.C.E. Band, R.C.E. Stores Depot and Tunnelling Companies.
A great place to start when looking for a realitive who served in the R.C.E. in WWII!
Included are: Artizan Company, Battalion R.C.E., Boring Section, Base Park Unit, Cemetery Construction Company, Chemical Warfare Mortar Company, Construction Company, Drilling Company, Engineer Reinforcement Unit, Engineer Services and Works Company, Engineer Stores Section, Engineer Technical Liaison Group, Landmark Unit, Machinery Spare Parts (Base) Section, Mechanical Equipment Company, Mechanical Equipment Workshop and Park Company, Mechanical Equipment Park Company, Mine Clearing Platoon, Petroleum Warfare Experimental Unit, Pile Driving Platoon, Pioneer Battalion R.C.E., Quarrying Company, Railway Companies, Road Construction Company, R.C.E. Band, R.C.E. Stores Depot and Tunnelling Companies.
Both of the above books have been put into one volume called, `War Establishments of the RCE in WWII'.
War Establishments of the R.C.E. in WWII' now out. It has every R.C.E. unit that served in Europe during WWII in it. The book is a combination of both parts of `Encyclopedia of the R.C.E. in WWII'
War Establishments of the R.C.E. in WWII' now out. It has every R.C.E. unit that served in Europe during WWII in it. The book is a combination of both parts of `Encyclopedia of the R.C.E. in WWII'

John the Travel Writer's latest release: `The Way North'. Buy it at:
Previous travel books: `It Happened Here' and `Is There A Straight Road in Scotland?' Both available on amazon and kindle.
Previous travel books: `It Happened Here' and `Is There A Straight Road in Scotland?' Both available on amazon and kindle.

If none of the above is of interest to you, how about a novel or two? My second novel is a good old fashioned mystery in the form of a spy novel. The novel covers the history of code making and code breaking from the very first code ever written to modern ciphers. Also, the code is real and if you can crack it I will be really impressed. No one has yet!

My first novel expanded from my novella, `Nobody Important'. My favourite review of it stated that this should be a movie.
Or go to www.tl219.com
The second edition is out: https://www.amazon.com/Nowhere-Run-John-Sliz/dp/1927679672/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1512748649&sr=8-5&keywords=sliz
Or go to www.tl219.com
The second edition is out: https://www.amazon.com/Nowhere-Run-John-Sliz/dp/1927679672/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1512748649&sr=8-5&keywords=sliz

My third novel where I use all of my knowledge of the engineers during Operation Market Garden to tell a story that just might be true.
Um...if you have a moment...
I have never asked anyone to post a review of any of my books on Amazon and thank everyone who has posted one. To me, these reviews are genuine and I try to learn from any negative opinions. Fortunately the majority of opinions have been positive and that is encouraging. Every book I do is a labour of love and it pleases me that some people like them. Now, that being said, there is one review that I am surprised by. It is for my third novel,`The Arnhem Conspiracy' and I am confused by the reviewer's statement that the novel is unbelievable at times. I wonder which part because in my opinion the story is not only believable, but very plausible. I would like other opinions on this subject from those who have read it.
Here is a better review, "A captivating story of the disaster of Operation market garden that delves into what may have gone wrong there. Author John Sliz brings the key players to life and delves into the dark hidden side of war that is not often discussed. I did not want to put the book down." Thank you.
Um...if you have a moment...
I have never asked anyone to post a review of any of my books on Amazon and thank everyone who has posted one. To me, these reviews are genuine and I try to learn from any negative opinions. Fortunately the majority of opinions have been positive and that is encouraging. Every book I do is a labour of love and it pleases me that some people like them. Now, that being said, there is one review that I am surprised by. It is for my third novel,`The Arnhem Conspiracy' and I am confused by the reviewer's statement that the novel is unbelievable at times. I wonder which part because in my opinion the story is not only believable, but very plausible. I would like other opinions on this subject from those who have read it.
Here is a better review, "A captivating story of the disaster of Operation market garden that delves into what may have gone wrong there. Author John Sliz brings the key players to life and delves into the dark hidden side of war that is not often discussed. I did not want to put the book down." Thank you.

This book is quite the departure for me. It isn't military and it really isn't about engineers. However, it is history, and a little bit of my own history. This is somewhere that I visited as a kid, but at the time I didn't know that it was the very first all-inclusive resort in the Caribbean. Nor did I know about Sir Billy Butlin and what he had accomplished in his life.
The book is 104 pages and - because it is one of my books - has 5 original maps. Fyi: it has a Reema wall section in it, for those who know what kind of engineering that is. https://www.amazon.com/Paradise-Found-Lost-All-Inclusive-Caribbean/dp/1927679451/
As a researcher I love reviews like the following. It makes all the hard work worthwhile.
Those Were the Days! By The Canuck on July 28, 2017 - "This book was like taking a trip down memory lane... My wife and I met at the Jack Tar Village Resort back in 1988. We were both sad to see it close but saw the writing on the wall even back then. John Sliz does a great job of walking the reader through the build-up and numerous transitions of the amazing resort in West End. Grand Bahama Island has gone though many changes and it is very different place than what it was in the late 80's. We went back this year to celebrate our 25th wedding Anniversary and although SCUBA diving was our main focus, visiting the old Jack Tar site was a close second. We plan to return and stay at the current hotel on site next year (30th Ann. of when we met - I know, corny :) ) and this book will definitely make the trip! It was a paradise without question and now I have a better understanding of it's history thanks to "Paradise Found and Lost".
The book is 104 pages and - because it is one of my books - has 5 original maps. Fyi: it has a Reema wall section in it, for those who know what kind of engineering that is. https://www.amazon.com/Paradise-Found-Lost-All-Inclusive-Caribbean/dp/1927679451/
As a researcher I love reviews like the following. It makes all the hard work worthwhile.
Those Were the Days! By The Canuck on July 28, 2017 - "This book was like taking a trip down memory lane... My wife and I met at the Jack Tar Village Resort back in 1988. We were both sad to see it close but saw the writing on the wall even back then. John Sliz does a great job of walking the reader through the build-up and numerous transitions of the amazing resort in West End. Grand Bahama Island has gone though many changes and it is very different place than what it was in the late 80's. We went back this year to celebrate our 25th wedding Anniversary and although SCUBA diving was our main focus, visiting the old Jack Tar site was a close second. We plan to return and stay at the current hotel on site next year (30th Ann. of when we met - I know, corny :) ) and this book will definitely make the trip! It was a paradise without question and now I have a better understanding of it's history thanks to "Paradise Found and Lost".

The book represents Phase I of the three phases of my writing career. Back in those
days I only wrote fiction. This book is an autobiography of my time as a writer
and my living conditions in the 1990s where I wrote the majority of these stories in
my old room on Alberta Avenue.
As I am well into my third phase, I am currently writing about Phase II of my
writing career, which is mostly about Arnhem. That book, whenever it is
finished, will be a direct sequel to Urban Snapshots. However, since it is about the
books that I wrote and were published from 2000 to 2016 I won't be able to include
them like I included the short stories in the anthology. Instead I will write about
how and why I wrote each book and all the b.s. in dealing with the publishing
industry. For example: it took over 5 years for Storm Boat Kings to be published. I
will tell you why and name the person who activity tried to stop the book from
being published. I've kept silent on this until now, but it is almost time to tell my
days I only wrote fiction. This book is an autobiography of my time as a writer
and my living conditions in the 1990s where I wrote the majority of these stories in
my old room on Alberta Avenue.
As I am well into my third phase, I am currently writing about Phase II of my
writing career, which is mostly about Arnhem. That book, whenever it is
finished, will be a direct sequel to Urban Snapshots. However, since it is about the
books that I wrote and were published from 2000 to 2016 I won't be able to include
them like I included the short stories in the anthology. Instead I will write about
how and why I wrote each book and all the b.s. in dealing with the publishing
industry. For example: it took over 5 years for Storm Boat Kings to be published. I
will tell you why and name the person who activity tried to stop the book from
being published. I've kept silent on this until now, but it is almost time to tell my

This is Russ Kennedy's story of how he was almost killed during the making of an
escape route across the Waal River.
escape route across the Waal River.

The final book in my trilogy on the Storm Boat Kings.
UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1927679834
US:: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1927679834
Canada: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1927679834/
UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1927679834
US:: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1927679834
Canada: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1927679834/